Open Raven Platform Release: New Integrations, Parquet & Avro Support, and More
The Open Raven team has pushed yet another release, including new features and continued improvements to the product that you’re going to love:
- Integrations including webhooks and email notifications
- Columnar support added for big data files like Avro and Parquet
- New asset group experience inspired by Spotify
- Expanded data classification with an additional 45 privacy data classes
Integrations and Webhooks
Webhooks unlock new and exciting ways to connect with external systems. This release allows users to set:
- HTTP method (We currently support GET and POST requests)
- Header parameters
- Body or query string parameters

Webhook configurations enable users to integrate with a variety of SaaS applications and we are preconfiguring integrations for you within the coming weeks including Slack, Jira, PagerDuty, 4ME and ServiceNow. AWS EventBridge provides a Firehose API to pump your data to your favorite SOAR or SIEM.
Columnar Support added for Parquet and Avro Files
Two of the most commonly requested file formats for us to scan have been Apache Parquet and Avro, binary file formats that store data in a columnar data format and are commonly used by big data analytics frameworks like Apache Spark and Hadoop.
In this latest release, when scanning a Parquet or Avro file, we now check if any of the Data Class Keywords match any column / field names in the file. For any that do match, we compare all the values in that column / field against the Data Class Match Patterns, ignoring the Keyword Distance value. If no keywords match column / field names, we stop scanning the file. The result is higher accuracy in classifying data within these files.
Asset Groups Drag and Drop
Everyone loves Spotify, right? We do and we’ve launched a new user experience for building asset groups that’s drag and drop, organized into “fixed” groups and “live” groups inspired by the Spotify interface. Fixed groups are like a playlist of a specific album or fixed set of songs and Live groups are like a playlist that always has the latest releases from your favorite artist.
Adding to any group is as easy as dragging asset(s) into the group’s navigation entry.

Data Classification and Privacy Classes
We’ve expanded our data classification functionality with this release by adding an additional 45 privacy data classes used by countries in the EU. These include GDPR-protected classes with phone numbers, passport numbers, and taxpayer identification numbers. This builds onto an extensive list which already includes other sensitive privacy classes like drivers license IDs and other government issued identifiers.
We are excited to continue to broaden our data classification capabilities and provide protection that better aligns with GDPR. To get started, you can use our pre-built "Privacy" data collection, or build your own data collection specific to your use case or your data handling policy. Expect to see our list of supported data classes continue to grow.
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As a reminder, we always love to hear from our customers and users. We welcome your ideas.