Open Raven Platform Release: Classification and Account Management
We are excited to share several updates to the Open Raven platform which include support for 23 additional, default data classes and various improvements across the platform to make onboarding easier and lay the groundwork for bigger updates ahead.
Classify More in S3
A new set of data classes have been added for your immediate use in S3 data classification. These include country-specific bank account numbers, personal data classes used in Canada, Brazil, and Australia, and generic sensitive data classes commonly associated with individuals or assets (e.g. GPS coordinates, email addresses, and URLs).
Here is the full list of new data classes available on the Open Raven platform:
Bank account numbers
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Spain
- Canada
Canadian specific classes
- Permanent residence number
- Social insurance number
- Passport number
- Phone number
- Driver’s license identification number
- Personal Health Number
Brazilian specific classes
- Taxpayer identification number
- National ID Number
- Phone number
Australian specific classes
- Taxpayer identification number
- Driver’s license identification number
Global Additions
- GPS Coordinates
- Vehicle identification number (VIN)
- MAC Address (local and universal)
- DNS Name
- Email Address
- IP Address (IPv4 and IPv6)
Additionally, our team has added data classification support for Excel spreadsheets, or those files with an .xls or .xlsx extension. There is no action needed to start scanning Excel files – Open Raven will automatically recognize these file formats today. If you prefer to ignore Excel files, or any other file types, you can easily remove them in the “Scan Options” section when creating or editing your scan jobs.
Connecting accounts just got easier
We recently wrote about how you can use Terraform to set up Open Raven and AWS discovery in a previous blog post, and our work continues with pushing the AWS Accounts experience forward. Now you’ll find that discovering AWS accounts and organizations can also be done in the AWS Console, either manually or via CloudFormation. Your discovered accounts now appear in a new table, too. Our new table design displays both individual accounts and AWS Organizations in one place and in a more user-friendly manner.

Even more has gone into improving the Accounts workflow including backend operational improvements and better status reporting. Check it out by adding a single account, or discover your entire AWS organization!
Next up
Over the next few weeks, we will continue to improve the AWS Accounts page, and have some major updates that continue making the answers to critical data security questions like “What kind of sensitive data do I have?”, “Where is that sensitive data?”, and “Where should it be?” easier and more accessible.
Expect to see our new Data Catalog, which lists sensitive data inventory based on data classification jobs, and a new Policy Violations interface that lists data and configuration violations. These updates are a testament to our mission in helping security and cloud teams know their data and keep it secured without breaking the bank.
Did you know?
It takes minutes to connect Open Raven to your AWS accounts and run a data classification job across the 190+ out-of-the-box data classes in your S3 buckets. Check out how our customers are using the platform:
- Find and eliminate toxic data from logs (More info)
- Prevent Financial Data Exposure (More info)
- Audit and inventory sensitive data in S3 buckets (More info)
Reach out today and take control of your cloud data!