See trends and generate reports
Knowing how an environment changes over time is invaluable – for spotting trends, budgeting, planning, and more. Pinpoint queries with raw data are equally helpful for answering detailed questions. Open Raven’s Analytics combines trending, search, and reports for a full view of data.
Ask questions
Conduct precision searches, answer detailed questions and support investigations with a full SPL query interface. Export results in multiple formats (XML, JSON, CSV).
Identify trends
Dashboards for understanding resources, data, and alert patterns over time. Straightforward export for sharing reports with others or representing critical data elsewhere.
Create reports
Interactive filters for each dashboard allow for adjusting the time frame (from day to year), account, region or key attribute such as storage type, retention, and encryption.

"The initial implementation was fast and effective. We quickly got our data scanned at scale."

— Gary Miller, DVP Information Security, TaskUs