AI assisted data classification
Built for security with 200+ predefined data classes designed for unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data, tested with Mockingbird and assisted by AI, with a custom data class editor and customizable scans that harness serverless functions to deliver speed and cost-effectiveness.
Full sampling at scale
Relying on sampling techniques for classifying unstructured data means potentially leaving hidden sensitive data exposed to cyber threats. With Open Raven, you can fully sample large volumes of unstructured data without sacrificing accuracy or speed. Accuracy is achieved through a combination of machine learning, pattern matching, extensive testing with Mockingbird and optional API-based validation.
Advanced data classes
More than 200 data classes for everything from regulated data to developer secrets, metadata-specific dataclasses, and composite data classes that automatically identify toxic data combinations.
Create custom data classes using a combination of regular expressions, keywords, and keyword adjacency settings. Easily customize data scans to meet time, cost, breadth, and completeness goals, and more.
Data Classes
Complete, full-featured data classes and classification methods
Built for security with predefined classes that identify regulated and sensitive data and developer secrets, composite data classes, metadata scanning, a custom data class editor for creating business-specific classes.
Identify data risk at scale with 200+ predefined data classes.
Composite data classes
Discover and assess the security posture of assets containing data class combinations.
Metadata classification
Efficiently profile large data stores by scanning for sensitive file extensions.
Fully customizable data classes that support internal policies or business-specific data types.

"The initial implementation was fast and effective. We quickly got our data scanned at scale."

— Gary Miller, DVP Information Security, TaskUs