Open Raven Platform Release: One-Click Preview of Data Findings
In our last post, we introduced the first ever data catalog for security teams. Today, we're excited to release a feature that came directly from you, our customers, that further improves use of the data catalog by adding a preview of data findings directly within Open Raven. With this addition, security teams can save even more time identifying and protecting sensitive data.
The first release of the catalog showed how many instances of specific data classes were found in each asset type. To investigate further, users would need to directly access the data asset, then manually look through it. Getting access isn’t always quick or easy, but sifting through potentially large JSON or parquet files is a tall order. You spoke, we listened. This release puts users a click away from a preview that shows the locations of the findings within each asset.
How it works
Open Raven’s data preview feature allows you to see the instances of each data class directly in-line with the findings listed in the data catalog. Navigate to the data catalog and click through until you reach a specific object. Once located, you’ll be able to click an available row for each entry in the ‘data class’ column to open an object details panel. Within this panel, you’ll be able to preview the findings with the following details: instances of sensitive data (appropriately redacted), relevant keywords in proximity of the match, and (when applicable) the location: line or row number, page number, etc.

The side panel organizes data findings by data class. Each data class can be expanded to focus on a specific format. And because you just might need to put this data into some workflow or share findings with others, you can easily export the results to a CSV.
You speak, we listen
Thanks again to all our customers and partners for continuing to provide valuable feedback as we build out the platform.