Open Raven Platform Release: Customizable Data Previews, New API Key Management UI, and New Rules for Matching Personal Data to the Correct Region
Custom Sensitive Data Preview
Released mid-last year, our Sensitive Data Preview feature enables security teams to view a narrow portion of each data finding directly in line with the results listed in the data catalog so that they can quickly triage the finding and determine a course of action. For example, when viewing a finding regarding a developer secret, users can see some of the surrounding context. This includes the proximity of relevant keywords (how far away was 'aws_secret' or ""?) as well as a very limited and fixed number of characters from the start of the finding itself.
In our latest release, we've added the ability to customize, per data class, the scope of the data preview string, allowing for customization on where and how much data is included in the preview. With this new capability, users can define custom logic that determines the preview snippet returned, making it easier to validate findings. For example, users can specify that if a developer secret is found embedded in an URL, the data finding preview removes the leading URL characters but returns a limited number of characters from the secret. Or, they can specify that when an email address is found, the username should be removed, keeping only the @ symbol and the domain.
API Key Management UI
We’re pleased to announce that API keys can now be managed through the UI. These API keys can be used with the data catalog APIs and RDS scanning APIs, and with any future APIs.

The API Key is only shown during creation and is not shown again. During the creation process, you can view and copy the key from the UI or export it as a CSV file. Once the modal window is closed, users cannot recover the key. Users will need to create a new key if the key is lost.

Personal Data & Region Rules
In a previous release, we published rules that detect the presence of country-specific data residing in an AWS region in a different country. In this latest release, we expanded this set of rules to include data classes in the Personal Data data collection so that users can be notified of cross-region data issues for more data classes.
Bug Fixes & Enhancements
- Added three new data classes: First Name, Last Name, and Full Name.
- The Analytics Search page now allows users to save queries and select from queries produced by the Open Raven Customer Success team.
- The Policy Violations Analytics Dashboard now includes historical data and trending information.
- Added a new status for scan jobs that reached their max scan cost, differentiating them from scans that were canceled for other reasons.
- The default data preview logic for the Email Address data class has been modified. Up to 5 characters are shown for the username, and up to two characters are shown for the domain name.
- The default data preview logic for the Database Connection String data class has been modified. The data preview will attempt to identify where the actual string starts and only show up to 5 characters.
- The default data preview logic for the US Social Security Number data class has been modified. Only the first three digits will be shown.
- The default data preview logic for the Full Name data class has been modified. Now, the first two characters of the full name and the first two characters of the last name will be shown.
- Fixed a UI bug where no assets were populated when saving a scan target as a new asset group.
- Fixed a bug when viewing the number of VPC peering connections in the preview.
- Fixed a bug where in some situations, validator functions were not properly working when scanning CSV files.
- Enhanced load times on the Data Catalog and Policy Violations pages.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the US Medical Beneficiary Number data class from matching.
- Fixed pattern errors with a low probability of causing false positives in the AWS Access Key, Heroku API Key, Slack API Key or Webhook, and Square API Key data classes.